The Morgan Matriarchy: Intermission (Part Three)

Welcome back to the third and final Intermission installment of The Morgan Matriarchy, my 100 baby challenge! This part actually has more pictures than usual, but it’s because the now-traditional black and white party took place when Faith became a Young Adult and I had to get a lot of pictures of everyone all dressed up. ;;

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The household at the beginning of the update, left to right: Faith (#58, our Heiress), Eliot (#57) and Aziraphale (#53, our Resident [Young] Adult).

The generation 6 guide is here.




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I made a number of preparations toward Faith’s time as Matriarch during this play session, including deciding what to do with the Willow Creek house. Usually I don’t really keep the family houses in play, but this place just feels extra special to me, somehow. Right now I’m thinking that Aziraphale and Eliot will stay in this house, and it’ll be where the sibling pictures and family graves end up in the long run. (Faith will be taking the pictures of the Matriarchs & their kids, as well as the married couples, with her.)



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As for the graves, yep, everyone has officially remembered that they’re there. Either that or they’re really upset that I inadvertently deleted one of Darling’s shirts. ;;






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Mourning aside, Sunday’s sibling visit seemed to be a fun one.



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Since Faith has the Musical Genius aspiration, and I already played through that with Genesis, I decided to have Faith do it with a different instrument. So I bought her a keyboard! I might get her a grand piano in her next home, but it’ll depend on how much space we have there.



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I caught Faith swearing at the TV, and couldn’t resist having Aziraphale calmly ask her not to do that. ^^



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Aziraphale: “I’m such a good resident adult. :D”



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Cute Faith is cute.



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Like father, like daughter: gaming edition.



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This could have been a cute part 2 to the like father, like daughter concept, but noooo, Iris just had to stand on Zen. ;;



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Faith: “Oooooh, can I have a baby with him?”

Not yet, dear.



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Faith: “How about now? How about now?”

This poor townie (who turned out to be Unflirty!) and I had similar expressions, I think.





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While Faith was at school on Monday, I sent Eliot and Aziraphale around to all the houses the spares have lived in to see if any of the family graves were still in the game. I ended up getting a lot more sentimental than I expected. So many memories in this save!



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My favorite moment: being reminded that Windenberg is my favorite neighborhood, weather and all, and I can’t wait to live there again.



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My sims’ least favorite moment: the massive thunderstorm in Oasis Springs!



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We also stopped by the house that Ronald’s widow and daughters live in and met Kaye’s daughter, Maria! I’m very intrigued to see how she turns out.



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In the end I only collected six graves, including some total astonishments: I found Avalon, Cameron and Drusilla’s graves, three of my gen 2 kids! I also found Idris’s (gen 4) as well as Damion’s (Zoe [gen 4]’s huband) and Hobart’s (Keith [gen 2]’s husband) graves. I was thinking about making a formal graveyard in my game, but that might wait until later.



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Speaking of spares, gotta take a moment to give a shout out to Uther. Tara is definitely the older spare that I devote most of my attention(/heart) to, but he’s really great at autonomously interacting with his siblings.



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Faith and I were both very happy to see her. 😀



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Faith didn’t bring back an A on Monday, so rather than a birthday party we had a standard family gathering. One of the day’s developments: I found out that cousin Bernard is an Elder now!




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Yes hello my name is Deanna and I love taking family gathering pictures.



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Sadie: “Did someone say family gathering?? 😀 😀 :D”




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Random sibling bonding pictures from Tuesday…



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During which Faith finally earned her A! She came home with miserable needs bars, though, so it took some time to get her ready for a party.



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Gen 6 promptly had a four person competition to see who could set the table. (Bill won, as expected from our Virgo.)



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Meanwhile Aziraphale autonomously fixed Faith’s keyboard, which I hadn’t even realized was broken.




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It took some doing, but I finally got Faith’s needs in order, and then it was black and white party time!



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… well, black, white and yellow. 😛 I can only assume she chose this in honor of Sadie.





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As expected, everyone showed up looking amazing…



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Including Wade’s son, Ronen, who had aged up to a Teen without me realizing it! I can’t believe how handsome he is.




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Speaking of aging up, it was Faith’s time at last! She got Romantic as her third trait, which was a really nice surprise. Geek, Outgoing, and Romantic: the best set of traits I’ve had to work with possibly ever.




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While I was deciding on her Young Adult looks I tried Wendy, Genesis and Sadie’s hairstyles on her just for fun!




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I wanted to give her a music tattoo, but that really lovely set only has one specific piano related one and I couldn’t see her opting for that location. So I went with the music notes on the back of her shoulder instead.



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I generally don’t share sibling selfies anymore, since the kids take so many, but this one was too priceless not to include!



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Faith was so enchanted by starting the photography skill that she rolled up the want to take a selfie, and the result cracked me right up. This girl, I swear!




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Honestly, I will never understand why EA doesn’t highlight the black and white parties to sell the deluxe edition of The Sims 4. It’s such a great event.



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Yes, there was a clear most popular outfit at this event. (And I love that Bill was the only one who actually wore it in the right color, because of course she was. I’m telling you, Virgo.) 



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Mooore interaction pictures! I pretty much let them all run wild, even the ones in my household, during parties. I like seeing who talks to who.



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Ronald put in an appearance, too! I was hoping Sadie would, so that Faith could get a picture with her, but no luck. I’ve been waiting until Faith has her Young Adult look before getting her official picture with her mom, so now I think I’m going to keep her at this house until that happens, and then move her to her new home.



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I really enjoy this generation. They’re a lot of fun!



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And I’m really looking forward to Ximena and Chelsea aging up so that I can see what they’ll look like!



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Speaking of, I’ll leave you with cousin Ronen and his interesting fashion choices. 😛 He got the Soulmate aspiration, so I’ll be able to marry him off, too! (His traits are Cat Lover and Good, which is perfect.)

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