The Morgan Matriarchy: Chapter 5.3 (Part Four)

Welcome back to The Morgan Matriarchy, my 100 Baby Challenge! My current goal is to buy a new computer during Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales, and to finish playing this challenge before it gets here. Am I biting off more than I can chew? Probably, but let’s see how this goes.

As always, the generation 6 guide is here.

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The household at the beginning of the update, left to right: Bill (#54), Cosima (#55), Sadie (#45, our Matriarch), Yuuri (#51), Darling (#56, our current Heiress), Zen (#52), and Aziraphale (#53). Sadie was pregnant again.


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The #1 item on my to-do list yesterday was getting Yuuri and/or Zen married off and moved out to free up space in the house. I’d planned to send them both out on the town once I stabilized Sadie and the toddlers’ needs, but luckily for me, game-generated townie Miles Keith walked by the house!



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Luckily for Yuuri, too.



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Yuuri: “Our Uncle Oliver just died ):”
Miles: “Oh no, does this mean you can’t be romantic with me right now?”



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Yuuri: “I didn’t say that :D”



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Yuuri pls, you’re supposed to be focusing on Miles, leave the fourth wall be.



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This pairing is maid-approved.



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That settled, I decided they’d get engaged and married the next day, since it would be Harvestfest and the kids would be home from school. I can’t believe Harvestfest’s timing did me a favor for once, but here we are.



10-15-19_9-04-08 PM

Me: “Aww, am I going to get a cute picture of Darling talking sweetly to her big brother Aziraphale?”
Me: /zooms in
Me: “….. oooor an evil one, okay, that’s fine…”



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There, this is cute!



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Yes, Miles is a keeper for sure.



10-15-19_10-13-29 PM

Me: “Oh wow, that’s one of the imports I added to the game for Sadie ages ago! Quick, Zen, go greet him so that she can meet him once she’s finished what she’s doing!”



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Zen: “You mean go greet him so I can woo and marry him??? :DDDDD”
Me: “….. ooor that, okay, sure.”

(This sim is named Adonis Kalantzis and he was created by EtteSims.)



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Somewhere in the midst of this day, Phillip also passed away. ))))): Poor Quincy.



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But Cosima had it the hardest out of anyone. I don’t know what the heck was happening with her needs, but I couldn’t get them stabilized for the life of me. Her hunger would keep dropping, so she could barely sleep before I’d have to wake her back up to eat. She collapsed from exhaustion at least three times in the span of 2 sim days. She’s half a skill point away from being a Child, but I couldn’t actually stabilize her enough to work on it (Thinking).



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Miles has even taken on Morgan Chaperone Duties, bless him. He’s such a good fit in this family.



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I’m planning to have both couples share a house, since Yuuri and Zen have always been so close and since I try to limit how many households I have. I can’t decide which house to move them into, though. I like to use the same houses over and over because it gives some sense of family history, but most of the ones I have used are too small for them. (Ex. Xander and Frances’s house, Harry and Molly’s house, Zoe’s house.) I might move them into the Goth house, which has been in the family ever since Brian married Cassandra back in generation 2, and move out its current residents (Xena and cousin Bernard, Lara’s son)…



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But back to what actually happened during yesterday’s gameplay–Yuuri started off his holiday by proposing to Miles!



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Zen started his off by building up his relationship with Adonis, and Darling started hers off by not knowing what to think of this.



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I ship it. (I’m just going to need to remember to give Adonis a de-aging potion, since he’s an Adult.)



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This requisite living room group shot is Sadie approved.



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This was one of those holidays where I was trying to get so much done that I ended up half-assing pretty much all of it, as you’ll see. But I did invite people over, even if I didn’t really get any photos of them.



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And we did pacify two of the gnomes.



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But my priority was getting everyone stabilized so that I could have Yuuri and Miles’s wedding, which finally happened mid-afternoon.

Apparently one of the things that fell by the wayside was making sure cousin Penelope (Ronald’s daughter) and Hakim (Yuuri’s dad) knew about the dress code. ;;



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The first thing Sadie did when the lot loaded was autonomously start talking to Miles, which I thought was cute.



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The first thing I had her do was go meet this imported sim who turned up on the lot! Sadie is going to have time for one more pregnancy before becoming an Elder, so by being in the right place at the right time, this guy gets to be the last co-parent. (I can’t remember his name, but I’ll share it in the next update!)



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While I settled all that, these two spent their time being autonomously cute as heck.



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Zen truly out-Morganed himself by taking a nap in the church even before the ceremony started.



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A true Harvestfest miracle: FOUR PEOPLE actually watched the wedding while sitting down in this church! (I love this build so, so much, but there’s just no room in here to watch the wedding, which is why I downloaded a few other wedding venues. Sadly, I didn’t want to chance the outdoor one again and the brand new one I downloaded yesterday didn’t show up on the list of potential venues, so I sent them back here.)



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Sadie, of all people, ended up being the one who watched the wedding through the wall. This is possibly just as well, since she went into labor right as the ceremony started!



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Even though I wasn’t going to be able to play out their full wedding party, I wanted to make sure to get shots of the ceremony, and I think I got some good ones. ❤ I really like these two. I’m glad Miles walked by.



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Yes, I do have to get another audience shot just because I’m so pleased.



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I also got a shot of Ronald, who has just aged up to an Elder. I can’t believe this day has come. T_T



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Yuuri rolled up the want to cloudgaze with Wade, and it was so cute that I had him do it.



10-16-19_12-23-29 AM

Me: “Omg is that Aziraphale autonomously talking to a cute blonde, what stellar taste”
Me: /zooms in to get a picture
Me: “LOL o wait that’s Greta Fitzhugh”

(Greta is indeed a cute blonde and he does indeed have stellar taste, but in a people to befriend way rather than a precocious wife hunting way)



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I finally sent Sadie to the hospital, and had her take this guy along so that she could get in some more relationship building.



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She took it upon herself to chat with her doctor, too, because of course she did.



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Things that haven’t changed at the hospital: the babies are still invisible, and Sadie still autonomously buys herself a drink every time she gives birth.



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Let’s end the update by welcoming Eliot to the family! That brings us to 57 babies, and means that Darling is still our Heiress.


Goals for the next time I sim: get Sadie pregnant for the last time, age Cosima and Eliot up, marry Zen off, and settle Yuuri and Zen into their new home.

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